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Travel Agencies & Tourism Services in, Singapura . Singapore

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Singapura . Singapore
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Added by: André Guerreiro
Views: 1273
More pictures of: Tripnmate
Phone..: +65 441513243335
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179 € en pure perte.
Depuis novembre 2014, 4 courriels de leur part et encore parce que je demandais des comptes !
Leurs réponses ne servent qu'à gagner du temps, à remetre la balle dans l'autre camp, ils font semblant de ne pas comprendre.
A fuir .
Por: danselme - 2016-07-09


Tripinmate promised the moon, played a shell game with my money, posted errors on the listing, and did not even get my name right!! After several weeks of giving them a chance - by phone and email - trying to make my listings work, my request to take down my listings was not heeded, much less my request for reimbursement. Don't trust them with your listings unless you are willing to spend endless hours checking, correcting, and at the end of it all, not getting any business.
Por: Sara - 2015-08-22

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