Campi da golf a, Munique . Baviera
Altre foto di: Münchner Golfparks Eberle, Golfpark Gauting
Telefono..: +49 089-8500444
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The Eberle Golfpark München-Gauting is a golf training course without a club, so that it is accessible to everyone. The golf school trains beginners for the license to play German golf courses ("Platzreife"). Experienced golfers will find ideal training possibilities. The flowery golf course is situated at the edge of a forest and offers a quiet and comfortable atmosphere.
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Münchner Golfparks Eberle, Golfpark Gauting
Münchner Golfparks Eberle, Golfpark Gauting
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Campi da golf vicini a
Münchner Golfparks Eberle, Golfpark Gauting
Münchner Golfparks Eberle, Golfpark Gauting