1 660 Golf Courses in 126 Countries

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Hammock Bay Golf & Country Club
Naples . Florida . USA
Club de Golf Osona Montanyà
Barcelona . Catalunha . Spain
Rilhadas Golf Club (Fafe)
Fafe . Braga . Portugal
Aroeira 2 Golf Club
Charneca De Caparica . Setubal . Portugal
Golf & Country Club Prague
Praga . Prague Region . Czech Republic
Woodward Golf & Country Club
Bessemer . Alabama . USA
Cathkin Braes Golf Club
Glasgow . Glasgow . United Kingdom
The Wilderness at Fortune Bay
Tower Minnesota . . USA
Green Canal Golf
Madrid . Madrid . Spain
Lethamhill Golf Club
Glasgow . Glasgow . United Kingdom
Golf Club Podbořánky
Jesenice . Central Bohemia . Czech Republic
Golf Club Thunersee
Thun . Berne . Switzerland
Dunas Clube de Pelotas
Pelotas . Rio Grande do Sul . Brazil
Club de Golf Montbru Moia
Barcelona . Catalunha . Spain
Enzesfeld Golf Club
Baden . Baixa Áustria . Austria
Tanglewood Lakes Golf Club
Anchorage . Alasca . USA

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